Making the decision to have a full knee replacement shouldn’t come lightly. Understanding the intricacies of both the surgery and recovery is important.

The best place to find that kind of information is from healthcare experts and the people who have experienced it firsthand. That’s what we looked for in compiling this year’s list of best knee replacement blogs — resources that educate, inspire, and empower.


knee replacement blogs

BoneSmart offers advocacy for people considering, undergoing, or recovering from knee replacement surgeries. Articles and FAQs on the blog cover all aspects of the surgery, including success rates, risks of delaying surgery, practical considerations, and other important topics.

Booktoots’ Healing

Marie Buckner, aka Booktoots, started her blog following her own total knee replacement. It was a time when she felt isolated in her experience, so she started writing about it. The result is a strong, supportive community with over 500,000 international readers who share their different perspectives and useful information.

PeerWell Blog

PeerWell is a system designed to guide people to better surgery outcomes and faster recoveries. The blog features game-changing articles about “pre-habbing” for joint replacement surgery, plus tips for pain management and recovery.

Recent posts include the role of CBD for musculoskeletal pain, how to treat constipation after surgery, and a hall of fame where people can share photos of the scars from their own knee replacement surgeries.

Knee Pain Blog

On the Knee Pain Blog on Knee Pain Explained, you’ll find videos and information about knee pain causes and treatments, relevant product reviews, links to recommended products, and articles of interest relating to all aspects of knee pain. Browse posts from expert contributors, Q&As, and personal stories from people on the other side of knee replacement surgery.

Total Knee Replacement at

This is a platform for personal stories about total knee replacements. Visitors are encouraged to share details through reader comments about the causes of their procedures, their surgeries and recoveries, and their follow-up exercises and physical therapy. That kind of first-person information makes this a great place to find answers to all of your questions.

We Are Valley Blog

Maintained by the Joint Center at Valley Medical Center in Washington, this blog is a community resource designed to help people live healthy lives.

The joint care and replacement section offers useful information from the center’s orthopedic surgeon and medical director, Dr. William Barrett. He writes about risk factors, outpatient versus inpatient procedures, the decision-making process, and much more.

If you have a favorite blog you’d like to nominate, please email us at

Jessica Timmons has been a writer and editor for more than 10 years. She writes, edits, and consults for a great group of steady and growing clients as a work-at-home mom of four, squeezing in a side gig as a fitness co-director for a martial arts academy.